British Values: Blog items

Online Safety Talk

Date: 2nd Dec 2020 @ 10:58am

Today, Year 6 took part in a 90 minute online safety talk with Bernadette from WIRED. The session talked about how we can stay safe online and the dangers of being on social media sites. She went through ways in which APPs like Tik Tok can be dangerous/inappropriate for children and what children should be looking at if they do go on these sites.

We are also having another talk next week to go further into online safety.

Hindu Zoom!

Date: 1st Dec 2020 @ 8:00am

Today, we welcomed Hindu visitors (via Zoom!) to Year 6.

They started their talk about being a Hindu in general; they explained about the different types of Hindus, prayer, chants and the special clothes they sometimes wear.  

They explained the 4 Ashramas and the stage they are currently in.  The main focus was their belief in reincarnation and karma and how this has an impact on the choices and actions they makes in life.

Road Safety!

Date: 3rd Dec 2020 @ 11:20am

This week in Reception the children have been learning about how to keep safe whilst crossing the road.  We watched a shorted video about 'Monster Moe' and discussed what he needs to do to keep safe. 

"When you cross the road you Stop, Look and Listen" Ella-Rose

"don't run across because you might fall over" Leyton.

"Hold your mummy's hand to keep you safe" Emily

"Cross at a zebra crossing" Lauren.

"Find the lolly pop lady and she will stop the cars for you" Lyra-Rose.

The children then enjoyed making their own road signs and role playing in the garden.



Anti Bullying Day 2020!

Date: 18th Nov 2020 @ 4:42pm

This week we have been doing lots of activities around unit-bullying day. We thought about how we can be kind and support each other, how we can make sure everyone has a friend and who and where we can go if we feel upset or need to share something with someone. We also all wore odd socks to celebrate our differences and anti-bullying day. it is our differences that we need to celebrate and these differences which make us special. Take a look at some of odd sock picture below. 

The Week We Wore Odd Socks and Went To Space!

Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 4:45pm

It has been a jam packed week in Nursery! We started off the week wearing odd socks to celebrate Anti - Bullying week. We read the story "It's Ok To Be Different" By Todd Carr and talked about how being different makes us special. Then we read the story "The Tiger Who Came To Tea" By Judith Kerr and practised our counting by counting out stripes to put on tigers. On Wednesday the children chose to build a rocket out of the chairs and fly to space! They had a bit of engine trouble and got the tools out to fix it and then off they flew! The children had their snack on the moon and then built some rockets out of junk modelling! To finish off the space theme, we made some intergalactic space slime! Phew! We all need a rest now!

Everyone is different but everyone is special!

Date: 17th Nov 2020 @ 9:02pm

The children in Reception have enjoyed celebrating Anti-bullying Week by coming into school wearing wonderfully mismatched socks.  We took part in a whole school assemble via Google Meet learning about what bullying is and what to do if we are affected by it.  In class we looked at our similarities and differences and learnt that everyone is different and it is our differences that make us unique.  We talked about how we should treat everyone fairly regardless of our differences.  The children also enjoyed designing their own odd socks.

"I have glasses but Alfie doesn't.  We are different but he's my friend" Leyton

"You should always be nice to people and have kind words" Lyra-Rose

"If someone is being mean you tell a grown up and they can help you" Elliott




Date: 11th Nov 2020 @ 9:18pm

The children in Reception have been learning about the importance of wearing poppies and remembering those who gave their lives to secure our future. 

"We wear poppies because the soldiers died" Leyton. 


Anti Bullying Week

Date: 16th Nov 2020 @ 7:48pm

We began anti bullying week by talking about different types of bullying, and how these types of bullying may occur. We then took part in the whole school assembly, which explored this years anti bullying week theme, 'United Against Bullying.'

This afternoon we then designed our own class jigsaw pieces to show how we are going to be 'United Against Bullying.' We thought about what changes we could make to our class and our school to make it a bullying free zone. We then also designed our own odd socks, and took part in an experiment which helped us explore what bullying can do to people on the inside, even though the effects might not be shown on the outside.

Remembrance Day

Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 7:41pm

This week we have been thinking about all the brave soldiers and saying thank you. 

On Wednesday, we joined the rest of the school to take part in our Remembrance Service. We each planted a poppy in our school Remembrance Garden. Each poppy has the name of a World War One soldier. We thought of these soldiers during our whole school assembly and two minute silence.

We have also painted Poppies, learning about the significance of Poppies for Remembrance Day and why we wear them. 

Remember the Fallen

Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 3:56pm

On Wednesday, Year Two joined the rest of the school to take part in a Remembrance Service.  We made poppies and planted them in our school Remembrance Garden.  Each poppy had the name of a World War One soldier lost in battle.  We thought of these soldiers as we participated in a two minute silence.  Earlier in the week, we also painted pictures of poppies and decorated a soldier silhouette to be displayed in our school hall.  We have also had some brilliant examples of our Remembrance BLT.

Year 5 Remembers

Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 8:06am

Year 5 spent the day, remembering those who fought to keep us safe. We learned what life was like in the trenches of a WWI battle field and wrote a letter home from the Western Front. We created our own poppy artwork and made poppies to plant in the Boundary Remembrance Garden. 

Remembrance Day - 11.11.2020

Date: 12th Nov 2020 @ 8:36pm

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Today, we remembered those who fought for our country and died in the different wars: WW1, WW2 and more. Remembrance day marks the day World War One ended, at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918. Remembrance Sunday is also marked each year, this falls on the second Sunday in November. This morning, we planted poppies where we had written names of the fallen soldiers to remember them and to think about what they sacrificed for our country. At 11am, we stood up in class, stopped for a moment and had a 2 minute silence where we paid our respects to all of those who have died in conflict.
Lest We Forget.

Poppies and Thanks

Date: 12th Nov 2020 @ 3:33pm

This week we have been thinking about all the brave soldiers and saying thank you to them for keeping us safe. We have talked about Poppies and why we wear them on Remembrance Day and the children have had lots of different opportunities to make their own poppies. On Wednesday we joined in with a whole school virtual Remembrance Service and the children were so good during the 2 minute silence - we were very proud of them! We watched a short animation that shares the story in a beautiful and simple way. If you would like to watch it with your child click on the following link

Remembrance Day!

Date: 12th Nov 2020 @ 9:15am

We have had a busy week this week learning all about Remembrance Day and why it is important. We started the week by incorporating poppy art into our art lesson. We learnt how to create a colour wash and how to mix colours. We used our skills to create a picture of Flanders Field. Some of our guided reading texts have been around Remembrance Day too and we enjoyed drawing poppies in Always Time. We made poppies to remember some of the solders who have died and planted them in our school Remembrance Garden. On Remembrance Day we had a special assembly to show our respect. 

Remembrance Poppy Art

Date: 10th Nov 2020 @ 7:17pm

We have been learning about Remembrance this week and as part of this we understood that poppies were one of the first flowers to grow on the battlefields, when the war was over. Our poppy art  used a background wash of watercolour in green, with red poppies fading into the background. We used tools to create texture. We created our art for the soldier silhouettes in the hall, to commemorate all of the soldiers in wars past and present. Showing respect and our British Values, we will have two minutes silence on 11th November, when peace was agreed in 1918.

Poppy Art

Date: 5th Nov 2020 @ 4:30pm

As part of the work we do for Remembrance Day, we have produced poppy art using water colours. We looked at lots of different examples of poppies and chose our own way of drawing them. We then drew and painted the poppies over a war poem, which we read and discussed.

Black History Month

Date: 30th Oct 2020 @ 10:25am

Music was our focus for Black History Month in Year 5. We focused on the contributions that artists such as Ella Fitzgerald and Bob Marley made to twentieth century music and culture. We listened and appraised different genres of music and created some wonderful artwork.

Black History Month

Date: 26th Oct 2020 @ 12:05pm

This week we have been learning about Black History Month. We started the week by reading the story 'Handa's Surprise,' talking about the characters, setting, and key points in the book, before sequencing and retelling the story.

We looked in depth at the illustrations of the setting and how this enabled us to know where the story took place. We also recapped on the use of adjectives, and how we could describe each fruit. We had ideas such as 'spiky large pineapple,' 'green, creamy avocado,' and 'yellow, bendy banana.' Later in the week we then wrote sentences to describe what was happening in a picture from the story, focussing on using capital letters, full stops, and segmenting and blending the words we wanted to use.

We also spent an afternoon creating and designing African masks. We explored a range of masks from countries we have looked at during the week, discussing the features, colours, and emotions the masks portrayed. Children cut out shapes from different coloured and textured paper to create the features of their masks. We discussed the use of symmetry and tried to make our masks as symmetrical as possible!

Throughout the week we have explored lots of similarities and differences, learning that everyone is different, but everyone is special.


Black History Month in Y4

Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 1:30pm

This week, we ended the half term and October in school by celebrating Black History Month. The children learnt all about what Black History Month is and why is it important to learn all about it. We looked at many black men and women who have had amazing achievements; including Ruby Bridges (ask your child/ren who she is and why she had such a brilliant achievement). After we learnt all about what Black History Month is, we focused on the sporting achievements of black men and women. Firstly, we looked at the achievements of American black men and women. For example, the Williams sisters and Barack Obama. Then we focused on British black men and women and their incredible sporting achievements. For example, Marcus Rashford, Jessica Ennis Hill and Dame Kelly Holmes. On Friday afternoon, we went to the Dance Studio and had a look at the black post boxes which each year group had created about their Black History Month learning. Then we went back to class and watched the videos each year group made.

Black History!

Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 1:02pm

This week we have been learning about 'Black History Month'. We have enjoyed learning about Mary Secole, Nelson Mandella and finding out why Black History is so important. We read the book 'Sulwe' by Lupita Nyongo, who is a Kenyan-Mexican actress and author. The story helped us to understand that our beauty comes from within, everyone is different but everyone is special and beautiful. Our differences should be celebrated and our similarities bring us together. Our learning also linked in with our school characteristic this week - tolerance. 

Teamwork in PE

Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 7:55pm

This half term our PE unit has been OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities). The main focus has been working together as a team. Today we took part in several activities that required us to work together as a team and communicate so that the team succeeded. The main part of the lesson was a game called 'Crossing the Swamp'. For this, we had to move the entire team from one end of the hall to the other by only using hoops to stand in. We had to make sure that everyone was playing their part and moving the hoops carefully down the team to put at the front so that we could all get across quickly. 

It's election day!

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 6:16pm

We had a very exciting day voting for our new school council representatives. Each child had the opportunity to present their manifestos and their peers voted for who they thought would do the best job! We spoke about having a democracy and ensuring that we had the chance to be heard and vote. Well done to the 2 children who were chose to represent their class this year, we are sure that they will do us proud!

It's all about the teamwork!

Date: 17th Oct 2020 @ 8:49am

This week in PE, it was all about the teamwork. We learned about how to effectively communicate to solve problems and discussed the qualities of a good team player. We talked about how effective communication can make tasks easier and learned that mutual respect and tolerance of other people's opinions was important. 

Building Communication Skills

Date: 14th Oct 2020 @ 2:44pm

This afternoon, the children in Platform 1 and 2 came together and worked in groups for Lego Therapy.

We made a range of models including a whale, windmill and a racing car.

All the children work will together showing good teamwork and communication skills.

School Council Elections 2020

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 7:28pm

This week we have held our annual school council elections. On Thursday, those who wanted to be considered for the role had to present their manifesto to the class - some children read speeches whilst others used slides on the the computer. On Friday, all children were given the opportunity to take part in a democratic vote. The results will be shared on Monday afternoon in assembly.

We are very proud of all those children who put theirselves forward and for showing dedication, courage and leadership.

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust