Our Local Community 2024 - 2025


At Boundary Primary School, we believe that community links are essential in the growth, development and wellbeing of all our pupils. Links with our local community help us to build relationships with groups and individuals who will provide positive role models for our children. This could be within the world of work, spiritual or moral development or everyday experiences. 


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@ the grange is the new community hub for the Grange Park Area of Blackpool. @ the grange is home to the Community Farm, the HIS Community Shop, the Library, the Adult and Family Learning team,  the One Stop Shop, the Grange Pharmacy, the Community Café and the Blackpool North Police Team.

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We work closely with The Boathouse Youth to given children a range of activities and experiences outside of school. Their aim is for our young people and those from our surrounding community to become the best versions of themselves through increasing their aspirations and improving their relationships


  • Supporting local charities: We work closely with charities and help to support them in their work. We run various fundraising efforts such as collecting food for ‘Vincent House’; a dedicated local charity working to eradicate homelessness and poverty.  The photograph below shows the generosity of our families in our October collection and Harvest celebrations.


  • St Mark’s Church: We are a proud part of our local Parish Family. Visitors from the Layton Parish Church army regularly lead R.E lessons in school, talking to children about a wide range of topics, including Christianity and PSHE. Year 6 also receive visits from The Message Bus, where they can experience a range of activities including a Rock Wall climbing session, Nintendo Switch and also learn a little more about the Christian religion.


  • Local high schools: Year 4 and 5 regularly visit Aspire Academy to take part in an interactive science lesson in the Science Labs, this is not online an excellent way to learn more about scientific experiments but is a valuable insight into High School life.


  • Macmillan Coffee Mornings:  Parents and Carers are invited into school to share a coffee and a cake (made by our own school chef!) to help raise money for MacMillan and to talk with other parents and carers and staff. 


  • Clubs with Parents: Year 3 take part in the Little Book club. Children and their parents and carers have watched interviews from authors, made their own books, created a recipe for a book and shared and discussed what they have enjoyed. The children and parents thoroughly enjoy this process and develop ways to talk about and appreciate books together.


  • Career Fair: The children in Year 5 have the opportunity to talk about a variety of careers such as Tyson Construction, Eric Wright Careers and different roles throughout Blackpool Victoria Hospital NHS Trust.


  • Blackpool FC Community Trust: Year 4 have the chance to go the Bloomfield Road where they take part in various activities such as dodge ball, dance, netball and circuit training as part of the Fit2Go programme.


  • Fishers Farm: Boundary is lucky enough to secure regular visits from Fishers mobile Farm.  These special events not only give the children the opportunity for the to see the animals but also touch them and unserstand more about their habitats and life cycles too. 


  • Get Blackpool Reading (National Literacy Trust): We work closely with the team from the Blackpool branch of the National Literacy Trust, their volunteers read with our Key Stage 1 children as well as support during reading events and with our school library The Attic


  • Fylde Rugby Club Community Trust: To boost reading and literacy, a group of Year 6 children are involved with a rugby-themed reading intervention that does involve rugby skills and matches!

We are also proud of our links with the following local provisions:

Blackpool Learning Rooms Talbot & Brunswick Children's Centre The Trinity Parish Blackpool Libraries
Blackpool Football Club Community Trust Blackpool Zoo Roots to Branches Active Blackpool
Blackpool Park Rangers National Literacy Trust (Blackpool) Better Start Blackpool Brian House Children's Hospice
The Boathouse Youth Fylde Rugby Community Foundation Bispham Junior Football Foundation Grange Park Children's Centre
HIS Community Food Pantry Blackpool Food Bank Blackpool Community Grocer  

For a list of Blackpool school's and contact information, including High School and Sixth Form provisions, please click here.

Blackpool Council offer a range of community activities for all age groups; more information can be found here.

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust