Year 4: Blog items

Year 4 - Remembrance Day Celebration

Date: 11th Nov 2024 @ 3:51pm

Today we were part of our annual Remembrance Day Celebration. Last week, we used our art skills to make poppies out of clay and paint them with acrylic paint.

Year 4 - Guided Reading

Date: 8th Nov 2024 @ 4:33pm

Over the last two weeks, Year 4 have been completing whole class guided reading sessions. Year 4 have looked at a poem about a clan of badgers who are under attack in their sett by machinery and a non-chronological report about Bonfire Night which explains why we celebrate the event. 

Year 4 -DT - Creating a lever and linkage

Date: 7th Nov 2024 @ 10:08am

In DT, we received a letter asking us to design and create a card. The specification was precise – we need to ensure it is a Christmas card, it is designed for primary school children and it has a linkage and lever system. We then looked at card designs and evaluated them. 

Next, we learned about linkages and levers and created a basic one which we will adapt and use when we create our Christmas cards!

Anti-bullying Week

Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 9:37pm

This week across school we have been celebrating Anti-Bullying week. We started the week off with the a whole school assembly based around this year's theme ‘Choose Respect’. Throughout the week the children have been learning about being respectful and why this is such an important skill for life. Alongside this they have also been exploring the theme of bullying including what it means, different types of bullying, what to do if you are being bullied, the difference of a bystander and upstander, how to solve conflicts and what discrimination means. We finished of the week by inviting everyone to wear odd socks to celebrate everyone’s differences and promote kindness. What a fantastic week we have had!

Year 4 - Anti Bullying

Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 3:32pm

Following in from our Anti-Bullying assembly with Mrs Clark on Monday, we looked at what bullying means again and then focused on the theme of respect. We had lots of different scenarios and we had to categorise them into respectful or disrespectful. Then we used our learning to decide what we would do in some new scenarios from the Anti Bullying Alliance.

Year 4 - All about teeth!

Date: 29th Oct 2024 @ 10:18am

We starting our unit about Animals including humans and what a great start to the unit. We focused on our teeth. We explored which teeth we use to bite, tear, chew and grind - practising with an apple. Then we looked at the correct names for our teeth and their functions. We then used our knowledge of our teeth to make a model.

Year 4 - RE - Rangoli design

Date: 21st Oct 2024 @ 1:59pm

During the final week of the first half term, we had a discussion about who inspires us to show goodness in the world and compared our role models.

Next, we created some rangoli patterns using coloured rice. Rangoli, which means rows of colours, is drawn on the entrance and filled with colours during Diwali. They are used to welcome guests and Lakshmi into homes. We took our time creating the intricate patterns and created some brilliant art work!

Year 4 - Buzzing about books!

Date: 17th Oct 2024 @ 9:08am

Today we had a visit from the ladies who organised 'Buzzing about books'. We had to chance to feedback back how much we have enjoyed getting new books, deciding which book we want to read and then the time to read it. Thanks so much!

Year 4 - Black History Month

Date: 14th Oct 2024 @ 2:32pm

To start our Black History Month learning, we used our previous knowledge and online resources to create a PowerPoint slide about what Black History Month is, when it is celebrated in the UK and why we celebrate it. When looking at sporting achievements, we focused on the Men’s England National Team. We first looked at all the players heritages and we were surprised to find 8 out of 11 players heritage is black. We imagined what the England time would be like without them – we would only have three players!

Year 4 focused on sporting achievements for Black History Month and we are linking this to our Reading into Writing non-chronological report writing. We will be writing about Jude Bellingham, but to start our journey of non-chronological reports we have been looking at lots of WAGOLLs.

Year 4 - Roman Museum

Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 11:34am

We love a museum here at Boundary! This week, our loan box from the Heritage Museum arrived and we set up Redcliffes as a Roman Museum for the children to explore. We looked at Roman Army uniform and lots of other artefacts. The uniform was very heavy!

Spelling Bee

Date: 8th Oct 2024 @ 3:55pm

Today we held our first Spelling Bee of the year. Each house was represented by the best spellers from Year 2 - Year 6 and the children were tested on spellings they have been learning in Autumn 1. We are very proud of all the children for being their house representative and spelling some very tricky words in front of the whole school. The over all winners were Bathurst, who managed to spell 14/15 spellings across all 5 years groups.

Year 4 - Buzzing about books

Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 9:19am

Maple class have got a brilliant opportunity from World of Stories to take part in their Buzzing about books scheme. We had lots of amazing books delivered last week and for the first few days we just rotated them around the class looking at the huge variety on offer. Today, we got to pick the book we want to read ourselves and now we will spend some time each day enjoying the books we've chosen.

Year 4 - Rounding in maths

Date: 3rd Oct 2024 @ 9:34am

This week, Year 4 have been rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. 

They have been using lots of number lines and have started to use their own independently to be able to work out the nearest multiple of 10, 100 or a 1000 before moving on to application questions. Finally, the class have used their number sentences to inform the class of their reasoning. You can see a small selection of children teaching the class on how they have worked out the task. 

The children have really impressed Miss Starkey and Miss Crystal with their mathematical skills as rounding can be tricky!


Year 4 - Changing States of Matter

Date: 1st Oct 2024 @ 3:42pm

This week, we looked at changing states of matter. This half term, we have been focusing on solids, liquids and gases. So today we looked at what the terms are called when they change from one to another. We started the lesson by holding a piece of chocolate (solid) in our warm hands. This made the chocolate melt and this happened because we increased the temperature. Later in the lesson, we looked at whether salt would make ice melt quicker. It did because the salt and ice melt to make saltwater and that has more particles in it.

Year 4 - Voting Day!

Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 1:43pm

Today was voting day! Good luck to all the candidates - you were brilliant presenting your manifestos in class.

Year 4 - French

Date: 24th Sep 2024 @ 3:43pm

Today, we recapped the phonemes è, é, e, eau, eux. We did some listening tasks where we had to listen for the correct phoneme. Then we moved on to looking at the days of the week. We recapped how to pronounce them, put them in the correct order and had a go at asking each other what day it is today and responding.

European Day of Languages

Date: 23rd Sep 2024 @ 4:41pm

Today we celebrated the European Day of Languages by holding a special assembly. We talked about why it is important to know about other languages and cultures and how this might help us when we grow up. We discussed the characteristics that you need to learn a language including enthusiasm, curiosity, perseverance and self motivation. We ended with a languages quiz and learned a greeting song in French. 

Year 4 Music - Performing

Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 9:13am

This week, Year 4 recapped a song they learned in previous music lessons, 'Hoedown Throwdown'. The children then performed parts of the song on a glockenspiel. By the end of the lesson, Year could play a portion of the song together at the same tempo!

Year 4 - Density and Viscosity

Date: 16th Sep 2024 @ 9:21pm

Some tricky new vocabulary for Year 4 today. We learned all about density (heavy) and viscosity (thickness) of liquids and did some little experiments to find out more. Oil is less dense (‘heavy’) than water, so it ‘floats’ on top of the water. The fizzy tablet makes a gas (carbon dioxide). Gases are less dense (‘heavy’) than water or oil, so it goes up through both liquid layers. When the gas goes up, it mixes some of the particles of oil and water together. Different liquids have different viscosities (thicknesses). The more viscous the liquid is, the longer it takes for the bubble to move through. In liquids that are more viscous, the particles are closer together than in less viscous liquids.

Year 4 - Who was Boudicca?

Date: 12th Sep 2024 @ 9:17am

Our key question this lesson was "Who was Boudicca and what image do we have of her today?" We started the lesson by recapping what we have learned about the Romans so far. Then we moved on to looking at Boudicca's life and we looked at numerous sources describing her. We used our inference skills to draw conclusion about the type of person Boudicca was and why she revolted against the Romans.

Year 4 - What's are solids, liquids and gases?

Date: 9th Sep 2024 @ 4:07pm

This week, we started our States of Matter unit in Science. We explored what the particles of a solid, liquid and gas look like. During one of the activities, we went outside and acted like particles ourselves.

Year 4 - Should the Romans have invaded Britain?

Date: 5th Sep 2024 @ 9:10am

We started our History unit about Romans by going down to the school hall and looking at our World and British History timeline. We found out that the Romans invaded Britain after the Iron Age and this was one of the reasons they invaded. We then looked at arguments for and against the Romans invading and used our oracy skills to have a debate about it.

Year 4 - KIRFs and dictionary practise

Date: 5th Sep 2024 @ 9:07am

Right back at it this week! We have been practising our numbers to 100 for our KIRFs this half term and we have been practising how to use a dictionary. We remembered that the dictionary is in alphabetical order and that we use the first 3 letters of the word to find it.

Year 4- Farm visit (Laurel)

Date: 15th Jul 2024 @ 4:52pm

Last week, we had an amazing time visiting the farm animals!

Year 4- Sound Escape Room!

Date: 15th Jul 2024 @ 4:48pm

Today in science, we revisited our 'Sound' topic. Firstly, we completed a flashback about how sound travels. Then, we were asked to move around the room and solve 10 clues which gave us a code to escape a recording studio. All of the clues were based on key concepts that we had learnt in Year 4. Therefore, we had to apply our knowledge of these to answer the questions. 

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust