School Council: Blog items

Year 1 Elmer Day

Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 8:05pm

Today we all enjoyed dressing in bright and sporty clothes to celebrate 'Elmer Day' and raise money for charity!

School Council - New Reading Books

Date: 8th Apr 2024 @ 10:07pm

The school council met today to discuss what kind of books they like to read? Which authors do they like?

The school councillors brought the results of their class discussions and they had many great ideas. This included, the authors Julia Donaldson and Roald Dahl and books such as, Horrid Henry, fairytales, and non fiction books about the world and dinosaurs etc. 

We will meet nearer the time to discuss the Summer Fair and how to organise the toy sale.

Raising Money for 'Always Elmer'

Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 9:14am

Thank you to all those who purchased a cupcake for our Elmer yesterday! We will be selling a limited number again at the end of the day today.

School Council- Fundraising and reading book ideas.

Date: 5th Feb 2024 @ 7:43pm

At our latest meeting, the School Council were joined by Miss Moyes, Miss Jones- Boast and Debbie our Cook.

We met to discuss how to calculate the cost and possible profit that could be made when we sell Elmer themed cup cakes to raise money for Brian House.

The cupcakes will be all different bright colours, just like Elmer. They will be sold at hometime on the school gates and also during the day for staff to purchase too.

Miss Moyes also needed to know what type of school reading books the children would enjoy, as she was going to be ordering some more.  The school council then went back to their classes to find out.

Another meeting will be held in the last week of this half term to discuss the results.

School Council- Fund Raising For Elmer

Date: 22nd Dec 2023 @ 10:02am

We have been busy raising money for Elmer by wearing our Christmas jumpers. it was so successful that one of the Brian House collection boxes is already full!

Watch this space for more exciting fund raising events!

School Council- Business Enterprise

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 12:02pm

At the School Council Meeting, Miss Moyes was our guest. She was here to talk about her recent enterprise visit to Highfurlong with some of the Key Stage 2 children. They explained how they had visited their shop and looked at the different items they have made to sell. Dayle explained that they had to calculate how much each item would cost to make and how much it would have to be sold at the Summer Fair in order to make a profit.  The School Council were very excited and were keen to make cards, keyrings and sell mugs. We will be holding a further meeting to discuss our next steps.  


Elmer Excitement!

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 11:51am

There has been a lot of excitement in school this week, as as we took delivery of our Elmer sculpture.

The school council excitedly unwrapped it and it was taken to a safe place in school until it is ready to be decorated by the children.

Road Safety poster winner!

Date: 18th Dec 2023 @ 8:05am

Well done to Thearush who won the Boundary Primary 'Road Safety Awareness' poster competition. His prize? An afternoon with the PCSOs on Traffic Duty!

Enterprise Visit to Highfurlong

Date: 29th Nov 2023 @ 2:26pm

The KS2 School Council children visited Highfurlong School to see their enterprise shop and workshop. The children have lots of ideas for things to make for our summer fair.
Thank you for having us!

School Council- Fund Raising Ideas for Elmer

Date: 7th Nov 2023 @ 10:35pm

The School Council met again today to discuss ideas of how to raise money for Elmer's Parade.

After a democratic decision it was agreed that we would hold a :

1- Cake/bake sale.

2- Toy sale.

3- Sponsored event (to be agreed at a later date).

School Council- Business Enterprise

Date: 7th Nov 2023 @ 9:08pm

Today, the School Council met with Miss Moyes to launch the start of our School Business Enterprise at Highfurlong School.

Over the next half term, the School Council will be involved in visiting Highfurlong School and creating ideas on what we can make to sell at the Summer Fair. 

Watch this space for more updates!

School Council-'s First Meeting- Elmer's Big Parade

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 5:00pm

The School Council met today for the first time since the elections took place. 

They were joined by a special guest, Miss Moyes, who was there to launch Elmer's Big Parade- the School Council's first big fund raising event.


 Elmer's Parade is part of the Learning Programme  where each school, nursery, college or community group will adopt an Elmer for £99 and pledge to raise a minimum of £850 for Brian House Children’s Hospice. They will receive a blank Mini Elmer sculpture to decorate and there will be a Learning Programme resource pack linked to the curriculum to help teachers stimulate young minds.

These mini Elmer sculptures will accompany our full-sized Elmers on display on the trail, allowing the children and young people, and their families, the chance to see them all and admire their great work. At the end of the trail, the Mini Elmers will be returned to their creators as a permanent legacy and celebration of their involvement.

The Mini Elmers will complement and add value to the main art trail, showcasing the creativity of schools and organisations in our community.

The school council were tasked with collating ideas from their classes as to how Boundary can begin to raise £850 for Brian House. They will meet again next half term with their ideas.

School Council Elections 2023

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 3:12pm

On Thursday it was the School Council Election Day. 
 Children who wanted to be considered wrote a manifesto and presented it to their class. Some children wrote a speech, whilst others delivered a powerpoint presentation.
They were then given the opportunity to take part in a democratic vote and the results were announced in assembly onThursday afternoon.
Well done to everyone who took part and displayed characteristics of leadership, courage and dedication.

Year 1 School Council Elections

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 5:43pm

Today Year 1 voted for our class school councillors! This week we have been learning about democracy and what it means. We learnt that in Year 1 we get to make important decisions, such as who we want to be our class representatives for the school council. Children who wanted to be considered delivered their manifestos and explained why they would be a good school councillor and what they would do to make Boundary a better place. Well done to everyone who participated and to our new Year 1 school council representatives!

Year 2 - School Council Elections

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 3:45pm

This week, alongside the whole school we have been celebrating democracy and exploring what that means. With the start of a new school year means making new decisions about who we want to be our classes representative and member of the school council. The children were incredibly brave and delivered their manifesto's explaining why they would be a good school councillor and what they would do to make Boundary a better place before we all went and placed a confidential vote today. Well done to our new representatives:

Elm- Sab

Birch- Marleigh

Year 4 - Voting!

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 10:16am

Today was our School Council Election Day! Well done to those who took part in presentating their manifestos this week. Best of luck to you all!

Community Connections

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 11:49am

Our pupil's make us proud everyday and as a school, we are proud of our community.
Two of our pupil's have been taking part in BBC Radio Lancashire's Community Connections. Groups from The Boathouse Youth and Blackpool Coastal Housing are making friends and memories together.
You can hear more about the work being done by listening here or visiting the Boat House Youth Facebook page

School Council -Fundraising for the NSPCC

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 3:48pm

The School Council have been selling cup cakes to raise money for the NSPCC, a national charity they have chosen to support.

They were baked by our school cook and were absolutely delicious! 

School Council- Our New School Library

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 1:54pm

The School Council have been eagerly discussing their favourite story books with their classes so they can be incorporated into the new school library stairs. 

Each class chose their favourite story books and the School Council made a list of these books and sent it to Mrs Jones- Boast School Business Manager .

School Council- Raising money for Brian House

Date: 3rd Jan 2023 @ 1:26pm

Christmas Jumper Day was a great way to raise money for one of the School Council's charities. Every child paid £1 and all the proceeds were sent to Brian House.

Watch this space for more fund raising events! 

Year 1 Christmas Jumper Day

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 7:09pm

Year 1 have been enjoying all the Christmas activities around school over the past few weeks! We had lots of fun on Christmas jumper day where we also enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch!

The School Council Design The New School Library

Date: 22nd Nov 2022 @ 10:34pm

The School Council are very excited about their latest project- designing the new school library. 

They visited the old offices upstairs in school to check out the space and look at different designs and innovations. They discussed each design and put forward their ideas as to what would make a truly exciting and inspirational learning space, suitable for reading, studying and group collaboration.

This is just the beginning of a very exciting project- watch this space for further details!



Our First School Council Meeting

Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 10:40am

The newly elected school councillors met for the first time this year. They discussed with their classes which three charities the school will be supporting this year. 

The results were:

Local Charity- Brian House

National Charity- NSPCC

International Charity- WWF


Year 3 School Council Elections

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 10:32am

Year 3 voted for their school council representatives. We discussed democracy and why it is important to our school and communitiy. The children presented their manifestos and we then voted. Congratulations to Jake and Alexander who were chosen to represent Year 3. 

Year 6 school council elections

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 8:54am

Today was our school council elections. We began the day by listening to the potential candidates reading out their manifestos - a speech that explains why people should vote for a particular candidate. Later on in the day, each child cast their vote for who they wanted to be the school council representative for Oak and Elder. This helped children to understand the British Value of Democracy.

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust