Acorns: Blog items

Acorns - The Colour Monster

Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 8:13am

This week Acorns have been reading the Colour Monster. We have had lots of fun exploring colours, colour mixing and emotions linked to our story.

Pupils have explored colour sorting and matching in maths, learning new makaton signs for colours and looking at their faces in mirrors, making different emotions. 

Acorns - A surprise visit

Date: 15th Oct 2024 @ 8:20pm

Acorns have had a surprise visit today from a hedgehog brought in by Blackpool's hedgehog rescue. We were excited to meet the little hedgehog and watch him snuffle along our table. Carolyn talked to us about some hedgehog facts and we'll be learning more about nocturnal animals including hedgehogs next term. 

Acorns - You Choose

Date: 15th Oct 2024 @ 8:03pm

Acorns have been enjoying the book 'You Choose' to explore and develop their understanding about choice and making a choice.
We have encouraged Acorns to make different choices throughout the week in all aspects of their learning and play.

Acorns have enjoyed a multi-sensory approach to making choices. We loved choosing different hats to wear, different outfits, especially super hero's, to dress up in and different tools to explore with in art and mark making.

We also used visuals to support our choice making during snack and lunch times. 


Acorns - Owl babies

Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 4:23pm

Acorns have been reading Owl Babies. We have had lots of fun engaging with the sensory story.

Acorns have enjoyed the owl theme running through their learning experiences in maths, mark making and even developing their cutting skills. We even made our very own owls in art.

The best bit was getting to meet the owls when they came to visit!

Acorns - Making bread

Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 4:06pm

Acorns have been exploring and celebrating Harvest. Today we have been making bread.

We had lots of fun mixing the ingredients and trying to knead the dough.

Our bread rolls turned out great. Have a look. 

Acorns - Harvest

Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 2:21pm

Acorns have enjoyed exploring and learning about Harvest this week. We have learnt about the different crops we can harvest and the role of the farmer.
We enjoyed using our tractor in the sensory tray and digging for different vegetables.  We loved using the vegetables to print and mark make with. 

Acorns - People who help us

Date: 3rd Oct 2024 @ 12:41pm

This week Acorns have been learning about people who help us in the community.

We have had lots of fun exploring through our sensory trays, puzzle matching, stories and songs and rhymes.

We especially loved dressing up and the puppets. 

Acorns - Exploring PE

Date: 29th Sep 2024 @ 10:36am

Acorns have been exploring PE on a Thursday afternoon. We have been developing our transitions to and from the dance studio for a new activity and continuing to build our weekly routines. 

This term's PE focus is exploring and developing our throwing, catching and kicking skills. We also incorporate gross motor skill development and opportunities to develop turn taking skills.

We have had lots of fun exploring our new activities in the dance studio. 



Acorns - Meeting Bailey

Date: 23rd Sep 2024 @ 9:10pm

Bailey is our school therapy dog. She will be visiting Acorns weekly to spend some time with the children.

Some of our pupils already know Bailey from last year, our new pupils will be able to get to know her over the coming weeks.

We enjoyed catching up with Bailey and are looking forward to spending time with her weekly.

Acorns - This is me

Date: 20th Sep 2024 @ 1:28pm

Acorns have been busy learning all about me, over the last couple of weeks.

We have been reading This is me and From Head to Toe.

We have had lots of fun developing our understanding through music and exploring our faces  and how our bodies move with mirrors. 

We have been exploring mark making and making faces during arts and crafts.

Using visuals and Makaton to support our understanding.

Acorns -

Date: 4th Sep 2024 @ 5:13pm

Acorns have enjoyed their first few days settling into their new learning environment and meeting new peers and staff. 

We have been busy exploring lots of different areas and resources as well as beginning to establish our daily routines. 

Acorns - Visit to Farmer Parrs

Date: 16th Jul 2024 @ 1:11pm

This term Acorns have been exploring growth on the farm. We have been learning about different animals and the habitats on the farm.

Acorns have enjoyed their trip out to experience the farm first hand. Acorns enjoyed seeing the variety of animals on the farm, watching them eating and seeing where they lived. 

We found the animals a little noisy but loved the opportunity to copy them too!

We even saw some alpacas and deer. What a great day!

Acorns - At the seaside

Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 4:23pm

This week Acorns have been exploring the seaside.

We have had lots of fun sensory experiences including splat the sandcastle, underwater tuff trays and our sensory story, 'What the ladybird heard at the seaside'.

We also read Billy's Bucket and enjoyed choosing what we would put in our own buckets. We even created our own seaside scene. 

Acorns - A visit from the Naughty Bus

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 2:27pm

Acorns have been celebrating Geography day with a visit from the Naughty Bus.

We enjoyed reading the story about the naughty bus and its journey.

Acorns then went on their own journey to explore our school community. Soon the naughty bus was popping up everywhere!! We found he had been to reception class, he had visited Mrs Bunday's office, Year 1, Elmer, the reading tree and Miss Moyes office. We had great fun exploring the school and finally found the bus un the sensory room where we enjoyed spending some time.

We can't wait for the naughty bus to come and visit again to see what our next journey could be!!!

Acorns - Supertato and Health week

Date: 30th Jun 2024 @ 5:40pm

Acorns have been celebrating Health & Well-Being week this week through a variety of activities. Firstly, our very successful interactive sports session which we all loved. Our sensory story was Supertato. We loved listening to the story and exploring the Superveggies!! We had a selection of vegetables to touch, smell and taste before matching them to the correct cards. We also made fruit kebabs and loved tasting a variety of fruit and strengthening our fine motor skills, threading the fruit onto skewers. We counted potatoes and vegetables during maths and even made our own Supertato art work. We finished the week off wearing bright and sporty outfits and developing some turn taking skills during our activities. 

Acorns - Interactive Sports Session

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 2:07pm

Acorns had a fantastic interactive sports session.

We enjoyed welcoming our parents into our interactive session in the hall and had so much fun climbing, jumping, throwing and running.

Thank you to all the parents supporting us and we can't wait to do it again. 

Acorns - Oh Dear

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 1:55pm

Acorns have enjoyed meeting the ducklings and learning about their growth and life cycle.

We have incorporated lots of eggciting activities into our learning this week.

We loved our sensory duck themed tuff trays, maths activities and writing activities.

We have been reading Oh Dear and looking for the eggs and enjoyed matching the animals during our sensory story and using the correct noises of the animals.

Acorns have also been busy making ducks during art.

Our highlight was watching the ducks take a paddle in the reception play area before we said good bye. 

Acorns - The Perfect Ribbit

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 1:47pm

Acorns have been exploring the frog life cycle.

To support our learning, we have been reading The Perfect Ribbit and signing the frog life cycle song.

We have enjoyed listening to the story, practicing frogs sounds, singing and using the sensory animals to support our understanding.

We even had a visit from the tadpoles in our pond.

We looked at how they have changed from the last time we saw them and noticed they had grown some back legs.

We are looking forward to their next visit when they become froglets and then frogs. 

Acorns meet the ducklings

Date: 16th Jun 2024 @ 7:28pm

This week the children in Reception received a very special delivery - 5 duck eggs.  The duck eggs warm in the incubator until they were ready to hatch, we even saw one hatching. The children enjoyed visiting the ducks in reception, but were even more excited when they visited Acorn class. We enjoyed looking at the chicks and listening to how the ducks lay eggs and then hatch into ducklings. Then we had an opportunity to touch them and feel how soft they were. 

"Ducks" said Krithik

"Quack" said Omer

"So cute" Amelia

Acorns - Sam plants a sunflower

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 4:42pm

This week Acorns have been reading Sam plants a Sunflower, as our class story.

We have enjoyed learning about how plants grow and what they need, including soil, water and sunlight.

We have been developing our focus and attention, taking part in small adult led group activities based around our story.

Acorns have enjoyed the immersive sensory story, especially being sprayed with the water spray when Sam plants his seeds and waters them.

Acorns have experienced planting their very own sunflowers and can't wait to see them grow. 

Acorns Butterflies

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 4:33pm

Acorns have been watching and waiting patiently for our caterpillars to change into butterflies. On Wednesday, we were excited to see our first butterfly leave its chrysalis.

We waited patiently for all 5 butterflies to appear and then enjoyed watching them fluttering around and drinking from some oranges and flowers.

Today, we released them back into the wild so the life cycle can begin again.

We have really enjoy watching our caterpillars grow and change.

Acorns - Ben plants a Butterfly Garden

Date: 12th May 2024 @ 6:25pm

This week Acorns have been exploring the story Ben plants a Butterfly Garden.

We are continuing to develop our understanding of the butterfly life cycle.

We have enjoyed a variety of sensory tuff tray experiences as well as the sensory story.

We have also noticed the change in our caterpillars, which a now chrysalis.

We have engaged well in lots of different literacy and numeracy activities, developing our overwriting skills and number knowledge. We are continuing to develop our engagement in adult-led activities alongside our peers.

What a busy week. 

Acorns Spring Walk

Date: 12th May 2024 @ 5:48pm

Acorns have been listening to our adults talk about new life spring brings and this week we went on a spring walk.

Acorns had lots of fun exploring our forest school area and looking at all the different flora and fauna around us.

We enjoyed using visuals to find different plants and tick them of our checklist.

Acorns were excited to see tadpoles from our little pond and enjoyed watching them swim in the bucket.

We are curious to see what they grow up to become and are looking forward to learn about their life cycle next term.

We were excited to spot some butterflies and collected some natural materials to create our very own natural art butterflies after learning about the butterfly lifecycle this term. 

Acorns - Caterpillars

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 9:54pm

Acorns have been learning about the life cycle of butterflies. We have enjoyed singing the life cycle rhyme to support our understanding and even had tiny little caterpillars come to live in class with us. We have been very curious over the last two weeks, watching them growing. We now have 5 very big caterpillars who are just turning into their chrysalis. It has been very exciting watching the caterpillars get bigger every day and we can’t wait to see what emerges from their cocoons.

Acorns - The Hungry Caterpillar

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 9:36pm

This week Acorns have been reading the Hungry Caterpillar. We have engaged in a variety of learning activities and experiences to support our understanding of the world around us and the life cycles of butterflies. We have enjoyed making hungry caterpillars in Art and even feeding our very own hungry caterpillar. We found caterpillars and butterflies everywhere, including in our tuff tray and our 'Bucket'. We even had our very own caterpillars come to live in Acorns! We can't wait to see what happens. 

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust