Reception: Blog items

Let's Celebrate!

Date: 12th Oct 2020 @ 8:48pm

This week we have been talking about celebrations and achievements.  Our lesson started with the question 'What is a celebration?'.  As a class we discussed the different things we celebrate with our friends and families and why we do this.  The children had some super responses and were able to identify lots of different ways we can celebrate including birthdays, Easter, Christmas, Halloween, weddings and even a new baby being born.  

"My mummy is getting married and I will wear a special dress" Mia said.

"On my birthday I have a party with my family.  We have a cake, balloons, presents and play games" Riley said.

"I'm getting ready for Halloween at my house.  My mum put up some scary teeth lights in the living room" Ella-Rose said.

Once we had discussed the different things we can celebrate we passed the special 'Let's Celebrate' box around the circle.  Inside were lots of different items and we had to guess what was being celebrated.  We also talked about how we can celebrate our own achievements like learning to count, ride a bike or write our name.  Throughout the year we are going to be adding different things into out 'Let's Celebrate' box when we learn about different celebrations.

During continuous provision the children then enjoyed writing their own cards for their friends, having a birthday party in the home corner and making birthday cakes and counting the candles in the play dough.




Exploring percussion instruments

Date: 30th Sep 2020 @ 8:10pm

This week in music Reception have been introduced to a range of different percussion instruments including triangles, tambour, tambourine, bells, maracas and claves.  The children have been learning the names of the instruments and exploring different ways of playing them and making sounds.  We learnt some new words including percussion, instrument, orchestra and conductor and added them to our vocabularly wall..  We talked about the role of the conductor and how it was important to watch him or her carefully to know when to play and when to stop.  The children showed great concentration and good listening skills during this activity.  After exploring the instruments sounds we listened to a famous piece of music called 'Four Season' by a composer called Vavaldi.  We listened carefully to see if we could hear any different instruments and discussed how it music made us feel.  We identified the season we are in and some of the different things that happen during the Autumn including leaves changing colour and falling off trees as the temperature cools down.  We then used the ribbons to move in time to music.   

Little Red Hen

Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 3:23pm

This week in Reception we have been reading the traditional tale 'Little Red Hen'.  We read the story together and talked about how the Little Red Hen worked hard to grow the grains and to harvest them to make bread.  She never gave up even though her farm friends didn't want to help her.  We talked about how it is important to help others and the qualities of being a good friend.

We also made our own story maps and orally retold the story, used a range of different materials to create a little red hen at the creative table and moulded the play dough to make our own models.

As a class we then made our own loafs of bread by working together to follow a recipe.  We collected the correct ingredients including flour, salt, water, oil and yeast.  We measured out the flour and water and added the yeast to help the bread rise.  We then kneaded the dough and placed it in the oven to bake.  When the bread was ready we all had a chance to taste it.  It tasted delicious.

"It's so soft and yummy" Riley said.

'It's fluffy" said Ella-Rose

Rosie's Walk

Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 10:50am

This week the children have been reading the story Rosie's Walk. A story about Rosie the hen who goes for a walk around the farmyard and is not aware there is a sneaky but clumsy fox following right behind her.

To remember the story we built an obstacle course outside where we could travel under, over, around, past and on top of objects- just like Rosie did in the story. We also collaged a fox, used small world figures to retell the story and drew story maps too. Take a look at what we have been doing.

Learning Outdoors

Date: 21st Sep 2020 @ 12:50pm

This week in Reception the children have been enjoying the sunshine in our outdoor area.  We have been role playing in the mud kitchen, getting musical at the music wall, exploring in the water, counting and matching numbers to the correct quantity.  What a great week we have had.

No-Bot the Robot

Date: 14th Sep 2020 @ 8:15pm

This week in Reception we have been reading the story 'No-Bot The Robot with no bottom".  We talked about what it means to be a good friend like bear, bird and monkey.  The children were able to describe how they have been a good friend.

"I help my friends when they are sad" Cleo said

"Me and my friends play together" Riley said.

The children enjoyed painted robots and making their own robots at the creative table using different materials.  The children ordered the robots at the maths table and counted out the correct amount of buttons.  A super start to the week.  Well done Reception!

Welcome to Holly Class!

Date: 10th Sep 2020 @ 8:17pm

Welcome to all the children in Holly Class! We have had an exciting and busy first few days in school and all the children have settled in brilliantly, making new friends, learning new routines and exploring their classroom inside and outside! It looks like it's going to be a fun filled year of making lots memories together. 

Take a look at what we have been doing, as we begin our journey together! 

Welcome to Willow Class

Date: 4th Sep 2020 @ 2:42pm

Welcome to Willow Class!  What a fantastic first week the children have had in Reception.  We have been busy making new friends, learning our new rules and routines and exploring our classroom.  The children have coped exceptionally well and we are very proud of them. We can't wait to make lots of memories together this year.

Changes to Home Time Arrangements

Date: 3rd Sep 2020 @ 4:18pm

Changes to home time arrangements

As we have now been open for a number of days we have noticed a concerning lack of social distancing by parents and carers. Therefore, we are enhancing our COVID Safe rules.

We recommend that face coverings are worn by all parents and carers who are medically able to do so – staff will also be wearing face coverings.

To further ensure safe exiting at the end of the date, we will now stagger the collection times:

Year 3 – finish at 3:15pm

Year 4 – finish at 3:10pm

Year 5 – finish at 3:20pm

Year 6 – finish at 3:25pm

As always, for those parents/carers who have to collect children from Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1, staff will still wait with your child until you can collect them from their designated zone.

Nursery, Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3

There will be no changes to Reception and Key Stage 1 at this time, however, this situation is under constant review. Please remember, do not call your child over to you, they will be brought to you by a member of staff.

Please follow these new procedures to help keep your child safe.

Little Red Riding Hood Ballet

Date: 18th Mar 2020 @ 1:05pm

Children from EYFS and Key Stage One are really enjoying dancing and acting in our weekly dance and drama club. They cannot wait to perform for parents, friends and family in the Northern Ballet's KS1 version of Little Red Riding Hood in a few weeks! 

We're going on an animal hunt!

Date: 11th Mar 2020 @ 10:07pm

We're going on an animal hunt! The children looked for the animals hidden outside and when they'd found them they had to name them and then look at the patterns, colours, how many legs they have and such like. 

"It's a kangaroo...they have their baby's in the pocket...they jump and have two big legs and little arms" Rosalie.

"It's a stripes...snakes don't have legs or arms" Freddie.

"Mine's a has a mane...a long tail" Chisom.

Drawing daffodils in the garden.

Date: 16th Mar 2020 @ 10:04pm

It was a beautiful Spring day in the Reception garden. The daffodils had begun to bloom and it was a great opportunity to capture the moment as a picture- using pencil crayons. The children studied the colours of the petal and stem and then sat quietly, concentrating to create a real life picture of Spring in the garden.

"Daffodil petals are yellow" Miya.

"The stem is green" Conner.

"Daffodils grow in Spring" Chloe.

Ready, steady, go pancakes!

Date: 25th Feb 2020 @ 2:29pm

Once we'd made our pancakes we all came back to Reception and had pancake races! It was great fun- trying to run and toss our pancakes at the same time! Look at how we did!

World Book Day

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 1:40pm

Today we have enjoyed celebrating World Book Day.  The children looked fantastic in their costumes and they enjoyed taking part in lots of different activities.  The children enjoyed sharing their favourite story books, making books marks and they even visited the library.  All children have received a book token to spend on a book of their choice which are available from local super markets.  

Pancake day

Date: 25th Feb 2020 @ 1:24pm

Today the children have enjoyed celebrating pancake day.  We visited the school kitchen to make our own delicious pancakes.  We needed eggs, flour and milk.  Mrs Clark had to weigh the flour using the scales to make sure we had the right amount.  We mixed the ingredients up in a bowl to make sure there was no lumps.  We then cooked the pancake in the frying pan.  Mrs Clark flipped the pancake too! They tasted delicious!

When we got back to class we enjoyed making pancakes in the home corner, reading pancake words and even having pancake races in the garden.

Pancake Day in Holly Class

Date: 25th Feb 2020 @ 2:10pm

Hurray for Pancake Day! The children were busy today and very excited  because they were going to the kitchen to make pancakes! Here's how to make them :

"First you need to get the eggs, flour and milk" Connor

"Put them in the bowl" Lucas

"Mix them" Hanasa

"Put it in the frying pan to cook it" Elsie

"Mrs McAllister flipped it! " Lexiann

"Then it's ready to eat!" Rosalie

Signs of Spring

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 12:07pm

Reception have been busy exploring in the garden looking for signs of Spring. The children noticed how the garden was changing and new plants, flowers and leaves were beginning to grow.

"Look! I can see a yellow flower...I think it's called a daffodil". Jaz.

"These are growing too... these are smaller pink and purple flowers" Alexander.


Holly Balance Bikes

Date: 13th Feb 2020 @ 9:59am

Holly class had a great time learning how to balance on a bike. They learnt  about being safe, the parts of a bike and how to stop, go and park their bike. 

Reception enjoying the climbing frames!

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 11:55am

Reception have enjoyed using the climbing frames during PE.  The children demonstrated good co-ordination and   control whilst climbing on the equipment, placing their feet on the bars to climb and holding some balances for some time.  The children were able to jump off the equipments safetly, bending their needs to land.

Balance Bike Bonanza Willow Class!

Date: 29th Jan 2020 @ 12:01pm

This half term the children have enjoyed using the balance bikes.  The children talked about the importance of wearing a helmet to keep them safe and identify and name the different parts of a bike. The instructors focused on teaching the children how to stop and start on a bike as well as them developing good balance and co-ordination whilst riding the bike.  What great fun they had!

Chinese New Year!

Date: 27th Jan 2020 @ 2:28pm

This week we have been talking about Chinese New Year.  We have been discussing it's similarities and differences to festivals we celebrate.  We enjoyed making Chinese lanterns and dragons, preparing our home corner for the new year by cleaning and decorating it, role playing in our Chinese restaurant, dragon dancing in the garden as well as completing lots of Chinese theme maths activities.  What a great week we have had!

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust