British Values: Blog items
School Council- OPAL Primary Play ideas.
Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 2:28pm
The School Council had an important meeting with Mrs Webster regarding new sustainable play ideas for KS1 and KS2 to improve the quality of play at playtime.
They looked at lots of ideas for messy play, physical play, construction play, ball play etc and gave their ideas of what the children would like to use on the playground during playtimes.
This will help support and develop children's physical,social and emotional wellbeing as well as their mental health. They were all very excited about the prospect of a range of new and recycled equipment to use during their playtime.
"I'd love to role play, dress up and dance- it would be fun!" Izzy.
"I'd like to build with Lego" Elliott.
"Maybe we could have bikes some days or scooters..." Lewis.
"I like playing with small world figures" Jack.
Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 1:33pm
Reception has been celebrating the Chinese New Year. We read the book The Chinese New Year Race and learned how every animal earned their place in the Chinese zodiac, made Chinese dragons, Chinese lanterns and took part in our very own Chinese dragon dance.
"The rat won the race- he climbed on the ox's back" Kayden.
"This year it is the year of the snake" Kevin.
"I like rice and sweet and sour sauce... that's Chinese food" Matilda
Year 5 - Charanga YUMU - Composing
Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 10:09am
This week we recapped Musical Vocabulary and the names and values of notes on the stave and time signature. We sung the Freedom is Coming song again, changing the key and the dynamics.Using Chromebooks we composed using YUMU through charanga, composing using our own ABA structure using the notes provided recap Ternary form.
Reception- PE with Blackpool Football Club
Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 10:57am
This half term, the children in Reception have been enjoying a PE session with Gaz from Blackpool Football Club.
Each week they learn a different fundamental skill linked to their physical and communication and language development.
They have to listen to and follow the instructions given, take turns, negotiate space and obststacles within that space and then coordinate their bodies so they can move in different ways and throw, catch and dribble a ball.
Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 9:26am
In R.E, Year Three have been looking at leadership. We looked at what the word charisma meant and what qualities a leader would have. We also discussed what leader we had and knew in and out of school. We then used a diamond nine to rate which characteristics we thought were the least or most important.
Date: 15th Jan 2025 @ 4:19pm
This half-term we are developing our resilience through Yoga to support and healthy lifestyle. Today, we worked through 3 poses; Eagle Pose, Dancer Pose and Warrior Pose. We talked about how to do these poses even if we struggled to balance and how to flow between them. As always, each session finishes with our gratitudes, showing out thanks for ourselves, our friends and for the world around us.
Date: 14th Jan 2025 @ 7:12pm
This week in school, it has been road safety week and Reception have been learning how to keep safe and be responsible when crossing the road.
They had a special visitor from Zoe our crossing patrol warden or, as we like to say, our lollypop lady!
We all learnt that we have to :
1- Find a safe place to cross.
2- Stay on the curb.
3- Look both ways.
4- Listen for the traffic.
5-Then walk sensibly across the road.
"Look both ways when you cross the road" Dennis
"Be sensible when crossing the road- walk don't run" RJ
"Always hold hands with an adult" Riley- Ella
Date: 12th Jan 2025 @ 10:19am
This week we have been looking at RESPONSIBILITY and how we can be responsible for ourselves and our actions and for other things including pets, younger siblings and PLANTS!
We signed a responsibility promise to take care of our plants and our first task was to fill our plant pots with the right soil. We then carefully planted our seed in the pot. Year 5 discussed that our responsibility would last much longer than just today, we would have to water and feed our seed as it grows, ensuring it gets the right amount of sunlight too. Eventually, we will have to repot our plant into the ground when it grows bigger!
Finally, we talked about how our responsibilities and our actions we undertook to care for our plant have consequences; being responsible means our plant will grow, not taking our responsibilities seriously will mean our plant will not survive!
School Council-Books and Charities
Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 5:32pm
The school council met today to discuss what type of books they would like Miss Moyes to order and what charities we will support as a school.
We then went on to discuss linking up with the Eco Warriors to do a fund raiser for the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) charity.
Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 9:40am
In this lesson we were introduced to the main beliefs of Hinduism and, as ever, we used our 5 finger recall facts!
We heard from Vandana, a 22 year-old Hindu who explained about how she works, lives and plays all while following Dharma – the duty or moral responsibility in Hinduism. We discussed how an equivalent to Dharma for us would be The Always Way and following the Boundary Always Promises.
Finally, we discussed Brahman, the formless and eternal entity in Hinduism and how this can be depicted in animal or human form. Finally, we designed our own deity to depict Brahman and how they/it might influence the world around us.
Date: 8th Jan 2025 @ 6:03pm
Today we began to discuss our key question in RE, ‘How might beliefs about creation affect the way people treat the world?’ Our lesson involved learning about how we should treat the environment, why it is important and whose responsibility it is. We did this through looking at images and real life nature examples. We went on a nature walk to collect lots of natural resources and we then used these natural resources to create transient nature pictures. After this, we looked at a number of images and decided which are examples of looking after the environment and which are not. We sorted them together, verbally discussing and justifying each example.
Reception- Christmas Party Time!
Date: 18th Dec 2024 @ 12:09pm
Today it is our Christmas party!
We all came to school wearing our party clothes and had lots of fun playing games, dancing and eating party food. We took turns passing the parcel and were respectful when playing musical statues and musical bumps. Then, at the end of the party, Father Christmas gave us a surprise visit- bringing a present for every child!
Everyone had such fun!
Merry Christmas!
Date: 17th Dec 2024 @ 1:31pm
Linking into our R.E learning we looked at the Nativity story. In RE, We created a silhouette to show the nativity art scene using pastels, thinking about the characters and the setting.
Reception Nativity- Why do Christians celebrate Christmas?
Date: 16th Dec 2024 @ 12:02pm
Over the past few weeks the children in Reception have been learning about why Christians celebrate Christmas. The have been using the different figures at the storytelling table to retell the story in their own words. As part of their learning we have also be rehearsing our annual nativity; The Wriggly Nativity. The children have been working hard singing the songs, practricing their lines and perfroming on stage.
Reception- Christmas Jumpers and Christmas Dinner!
Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 11:55am
The whole school celebrated Christmas Jumper Day by wearing their Christmas jumpers to school. In Reception, we also designed our own Christmas jumpers with bobbles and glitter and sequins!
At lunchtime, we all went to the hall, wearing our party hats, to eat Christmas lunch and celebrate the festive season. We pulled Christmas crackers, ate a traditional Christmas dinner and had a Christmas sprinkle sponge cake for dessert.
Take a look at our photos!
Date: 12th Dec 2024 @ 9:05am
As part of our Christmas activities and fundraising events, the whole school took part in an Elf Run. Taking place on the Key Stage 1 playground, classes used the Boundary Mile to get fit, run quick and have fun (elfing around you might say!) and all on our annual Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper day!
Date: 11th Dec 2024 @ 4:11pm
Today Year 6 learned all about specific beliefs of Hindus. We learned that Hindus believe in reincarnation - a belief that when someone dies, heir soul lives on and they are reborn as another living creature. Eventually, they hope to achieve Moksha. This is where the circle of birth, death and rebirth is broken and they finally go to be with Brahma. We also learned about their understanding of Karma - that every action has a reaction or consequence. This helps them to live a good life as if they do good things then they will receive good outcomes.
Year 2- Christmas Jumpers, Elf Run and festive lunch
Date: 9th Dec 2024 @ 9:48pm
Today, Year Two celebrated all things Christmas. We wore our Christmas jumpers for our annual Christmas lunch and completed the Elf Run to raise some money for charity. We enjoyed the festive activities and loved our delicious lunch!
Date: 9th Dec 2024 @ 7:12pm
This week we visited St Marks Church to talk to followers of the Christian faith about what the important message in the Christmas story is. We met Reverend Matthew and told him everything that we have learnt about Christianity so far. Reverend Matthew then read the nativity story to us and we all joined in with different parts. He taught us about the key messages in the story and the roles of different characters.
Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 2:07pm
We have been working with Wigan Warriors this half-term, developing our skills in invasion games. We have learnt how to think tactically, how to make decisions at speed and how to find space in order to avoid having one of our tags taken.
Date: 5th Dec 2024 @ 11:25am
As part of our PSHE and Science curriculum, today we invited PCSO Debby Savage to talk to Year 6 about the effects and dangers of drugs and alcohol. The children were very sensible listening to what she had to say and asked some very good questions. We discussed smoking, vaping, alcohol and illegal/legal drugs and how they can affect our bodies.
Date: 25th Nov 2024 @ 10:33am
We started this week by welcoming Parents and Carers into class. This was a wonderful opportunity for Year 5 to demonstrate their coding skills. Together with a partner and their adults, the children were tasked with coding a Pong-style computer game. Children were able to code, debug and then play their completed game. Thank you to all those parents and carers who were able to join us. We look forward to seeing you again at other Together Time sessions later in the school year!
School Council- Congratulation Letters From The House of Commons
Date: 17th Nov 2024 @ 9:59pm
The School Council were vey lucky to receive letters from Chris Webb MP, House of Commons congratulating them on their recent success.
They opened their personlised letter with great anticipation and were thrilled to read the kind and supportive words he wrote.
"I am going to put this in my memory box- it is so special" Addison.
Date: 15th Nov 2024 @ 4:27pm
Acorns explore and celebrate children in need in style!
We have engaged well in our sensory Pudsey Bear tuff tray and loved creating and counting spots in art.
Acorns are developing their social skills, interacting along side others and beginning to share some resources in our group activities.
Date: 15th Nov 2024 @ 12:39pm
Today we came to school dressed in an item of spotty or stripy clothing to raise money for Children In Need. We enjoyed collaging Pudsey masks and taking part in our superman dance in assembly!