Arts Mark: Blog items

Listen to the beat!

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 3:52pm

In Music, we were devloping or performance skills in signing. We focussed our attention to the pulse, melody and tempo of the song. Next week we are going to be adding the glockenspiel to the song we have been singing today!

Digital Artists

Date: 20th Sep 2021 @ 12:48pm

In computing this half-term we are becoming digital artists. So far, we have learned how to make digital images using shapes in the drawing function in Google Docs.

Ballet Dancing Success!

Date: 7th Jul 2021 @ 12:14pm

Lots of children have been chosen this week by the Royal Ballet Teachers and invited to participate in a club from September which will give them Dance opportunities with the Royal Ballet School. We have been practising galloping, balancing, moving to the music and coping the different stretches that the teachers have shown us. It has been a fabulous opportunity for Year 3 and we know the next Year 3 class will really enjoy taking part in September!


Date: 7th Jul 2021 @ 12:06pm

We have been creating our own music! Not only have we enjoyed working with Mr. Simpson to create our Samba Rhythms, but we have composed, transcribed and performed our own music using the notes DEF on the Glockenspeils. We played to each other in class, making sure we took note of the music we had composed. We used crotchets, minims and rests to put 4 beats in each bar. We also tried to draw our notes accurately on the stave! 

Rhythm of the Rainforest

Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 11:35am

We were lucy enough to experience a dance lesson with a wonderful lady from the Royal Ballet Company. We created our own dances and movements based on the rainforest and we loved it! We linked it to our Science topic and thought about the animals and plants that we would see to inspire us. 

Dazzling Dancers!

Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 4:18pm

This week, Boundary Primary School hosted a day of dance workshops. The children in Year Two and Year Five each recieved a dance lesson from Sarah Gough (from the Royal Ballet School and Blue Moose Dance Company).

Boundary hosted dance training sessions and a staff meeting attended by teachers from other local schools and staff and pupils both learnt  a lot throughout the day.

Year Five explored the topic of coasts through dance and Year Two visited the rainforest and the animals you would find there. A fantastic time was had by all!

Now Press Play - The Water Cycle

Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 7:53am

Today we went on an adventure in Ethipoia using the Now Press Play Headsets. We learned about the Water Cycle and how a water droplet from a lake or the sea evaporates to become water Vapour, which condenses to form heavy clouds and then precipitates to form rain on mountains/hills so that the water can rejoin the streams and rivers. It was a great adventure where we had to save the village from being in drought because a mean farmer had made a damn. We listened and acted out the story well!

Now Press Play - A Viking's Tale

Date: 16th Jun 2021 @ 4:53pm

Today we took part in an immersive listening experience where we listened to a story about the Viking's. We had to follow the story and use actions throughout when prompted. These made us have a better understanding of what was being told within the story as well as it being incredibly fun! We can't for our next 'Now Press Play' experience! 

Year Three are enjoying their lessons from the Royal Ballet School!

Date: 17th May 2021 @ 9:24pm

Although Boundary Primary School have been part of the Royal Ballet Scheme for some time, last week was the first face to face lesson for Year Three after lots of virtual lessons. The children learnt  a great deal from their teachers, 'Sarah and Rob' and are really looking forward to their next lesson. We also have a number of children in Years Four, Five and Six who are participating in the Royal Ballet scheme and they too are enjoying face to face lessons after months of lessons on Zoom.

Introducing the superb cast of a Midsummer Night's Dream!

Date: 17th May 2021 @ 9:03pm

Twenty children from Year Five are going to be a Royal Shakespeare Company film this summer along with children from other local schools. Everyone has been really committed to learning their lines and are enjoying paericipating in such an exciting project! Here are a few photographs of the cast. 

Fantastic Forest School Fun For Year Five!

Date: 17th May 2021 @ 8:41pm

Year Five have been really enjoying their forest schools sessions! They have completed a collaborative challenge of building a  tower  using only natural materials, found tadpoles in the pond, built a campfire and sampled popcorn cooked on the fire. The children are currently working towards the completion of a forest schools certificate.

Singing Success

Date: 11th May 2021 @ 8:21pm

We have had a selection of entries from KS2 for the Boundary Voice competition, which required pupils to sing to their favourite backing track and send in a video for the virtual competition.

The singers were all brilliant and those who participated should be very proud!

We are delighted to have such talented pupils and can't wait to start the school choir again soon.

Fantastic winners have been chosen and will be put forward to the Virtual Blackpool Pop Idol 2021 - Good luck to them!

Shakespearian Actors and Actresses!

Date: 4th May 2021 @ 4:33pm

22 children from Year Five took part in a workshop with a Royal Shakespeare Company director and a number of other local schools.They rehearsed and acted out speeches from

No Pen Day PSHE and Drama

Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 4:36pm

As part of our PSHE topic of learning how to keep ourselves safe, we created role play situations in small groups demonstrating the dangers of particular hazards and how we could take steps to stay safe. We also played a safety board game in pairs.

Marvellous Musicals!

Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 4:24pm

Fourteen children from Year Five took part in a musical theatre workshop with Georgia from the  Italia Conti Theatre School. Everyone loved learning to sing, act and dance musical numbers from the musical

The Dot inspired Art

Date: 29th Mar 2021 @ 7:02pm

We watched this video called the Dot. 


Then we used our painting skills from Autumn term to create different colours and textures for our dotty abstract art. We used warm and cool colours to design different sized dots using different tools and technicues. Then we constructed our group artwork!

Going Dotty!

Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 4:39pm

Year Five have been created art inspired by a short film called 'The Dot' and have had a fantastic afternoon creating their masterpieces!

The children either created their dotty pattern inside a circle or around a circle using a variety of bright colours. They ended up with some eye-catching creations!

Sizzling Samba

Date: 22nd Mar 2021 @ 7:06pm

Fern Class are starting to work with Mr. Simpson to learn about Samba. We have been focusing on using the different Samba instruments and working on keeping the beat/pulse, repeating call and response rhythms and learning about the different names of notes e.g. crotchet, minim and quaver. It has been great fun so far!

The Royal Ballet Zooms in

Date: 18th Mar 2021 @ 1:29pm

We have been having weekly Ballet lessons from The Royal Ballet School via zoom. Miss Gough has taught us some beautiful ballet moves as well as the French words for meaning. We have enjoyed linking our ballet lessons with our Light topic in Science as we have danced like lights, flames, fireworks and candles. Ballet is all about core strength, stamina and control. 

French words:

Tendu - to stretch

Reverence - curtsey

Arabesque - lifting one leg behind the other

Port De Bra - Movement of the arms

Pirouette - to sping

Plie - bend the legs

Musical Maestro

Date: 15th Mar 2021 @ 7:19pm

Throughout the last lockdown, some children continued to recieve their weekly Music Lessons via Zoom from Blackpool Music Service, including Guitar and Drumming. These two Musical Maestros achieved their Silver awards for guitar. Their effort, commitment, persistence and hardwork resulted in them achieving their next Guitar award! Well done and keep playing. 

Year Three and Four loved their first lesson with the Royal Ballet!

Date: 8th Mar 2021 @ 4:43pm

Year Three and Year Four really enjoyed their first lessons this year with Sarah and Rob from the Royal Ballet! They learnt all about the Royal Ballet School at White Lodge and how ballet and lots of its terminology originates from France. 

The children learnt some of the main ballet positions and their dance was linked to light which is one of the current Science topics in Lower Key Stage Two. Children learning at home also joined in with the Zoom lesson. 

We had a fantastic time participating in the Royal Ballet Nutcracker Workshop!

Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 12:15pm

The children had an amazing opportunity today and took part in a zoom Royal Ballet School 'Nutcracker' workshop. The character that was particularly popular was the Mouse King and everyone loved acting as him through dance. They also learnt about the story behind the Nutcracker Ballet. 

In January, Year Three will be receiving weekly ballet lessons from the Royal Ballet and four older pupils are already part of the Royal Ballet Scheme after school.


'Annie' Musical Theatre Workshops.

Date: 15th Dec 2020 @ 10:03am

Children from Year Five and Year Six really enjoyed their first musical theatre workshops with Georgia from Italia Conti. They are looking forward to their second set of workshops this Friday and cannot wait to be filmed performing numbers from the show early next year!

We loved performing in the Blackpool Digital Dance Festival!

Date: 6th Dec 2020 @ 8:47am

Dance teams from both Year Three and Year Five have submitted dance routines into the first ever Blackpool Digital Dance Festival. Here are Year Five performing. The children helped to choreograph their dance as well as perform it! The children from both year groups said that they loved participating and working together.

Our Royal Shakespeare Ambassadors loved their Zoom training session!

Date: 2nd Dec 2020 @ 4:30pm

This week, our RSC Ambassadors participated in a training session with Jo Cleasby from Blackpool Grand Theatre. They discussed the characteristics needed to be an effective ambassador who is able to represent their school and work with other schools. Everyone could suggest important characteristics such as: being confident, organised and keen to participate.

The group also discussed ideas that we could work on as a school and as part of a cluster of RSC Associate schools with their peers from other schools. 

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust