Arts Mark: Blog items
Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 2:56pm
This week, the pupils in year 5 have begun their art journey which is all about typography and maps. Typography is the creation of aesthetically pleasing and legible letters. In this lesson, pupils learned about how printed letter fonts have evolved over the past 2000 years. We then created our own letters using a variety of shapes.
Blackpool Children and Families Art Competition
Date: 19th Jul 2023 @ 12:06pm
Blackpool Children and Families Art Competition
One of our year 5 pupils, Sophie W, has been chosen as a winner of the Blackpool Children and Families Art Competition. Her fantastic pencil drawing of Blackpool Tower will be used to make their new Children and Families Plan look and feel more exciting. Well done, Sophie!
Date: 12th Jul 2023 @ 5:45pm
We celebrate Music at Boundary with an End of Year Assembly for Year 3 Samba and our Peripatetic musicians on guitar and drums. Everybody performed brilliantly for the school and parents! Callum was awarded 3rd place in Blackpool Musician of the Year!
Date: 10th Jul 2023 @ 1:36pm
We were so thrilled to be visited by author, James Harris on Friday 7th July. He conducted a whole school assembly where he talked about writing books and how he got into it. James grew up in seaside town, near Middlesbrough (just like Blackpool). James definitely inspired some of our aspiring young writers to follow in his footsteps and begin writing their own books.
Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 4:17pm
This afternoon we practised our observational drawing skills. We made careful observations of real life objects and used pencils to sketch items that were found on the beach.
Ella-Rose wins the National Literacy Trust poetry prize!
Date: 19th May 2023 @ 12:02pm
During Thursday's assembly, Ella-Rose was presented with a bundle of books by Get Blackpool Reading as she won the National Literacy Trust poetry competition. Here is Ella-Rose’s poem:
"Litter, litter goes in the bin,
To throw it on the ground is a really big sin.
The earth is home to lots of creatures and bugs, they don't come in our home and throw litter on rugs.
Dont sin it, bin it! working together we can win it."
Ella's class were also given their own copy of "The Creature Choir" by David Walliams. Well done to everyone who took part!
Date: 18th May 2023 @ 3:43pm
This week year 5 have begun their poetry journey by looking at didactic cinquain poems. After reading several examples, pupils identified the features, layout and language of cinquain poems and discussed what they liked and disliked about them. In this lesson, pupils worked together to create a cinquain poem about a thunderstorm before working with a partner to create a beach-themed poem.
Date: 16th May 2023 @ 11:43am
In our topic of Stop Motion animation we created short films from still pictures. We used onion skinning techniques to know where our previous picture were so that our changes were small. We made sure not to include our own hair/fingers in the photos to ensure consistency in the finished clip. Some people even added sound (planes and trains) to our animations. We were inspired by our Science of Growth and the WW2 topic using steam trains and fighter planes to create our animations.
Boundary Budding Stars round-up!
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 1:07pm
After running so many amazing clubs this year, we hosted our first Boundary Budding Star's Showcase evening where pupils from across school performed.
Talented pupils from Reception to Year 6 showed us their skills in drama, dance and song with Ballet Club, Bollywood, Schools Alive, Samba and Choir all performing brilliantly. Year 5 showed us their Tempest performance from the Grand Theatre and Key stage 1 music Club sang too.
Thank you to all our wonderful children for taking part and for the support and encouragement of their parents and carers!
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 11:22am
On Thursday all the children fully embraced a whole school art day. From Nursery to Year 6 you could hear the sound of paper being ripped and cut as the children created collages of different things you can find in their home town of Blackpool. From transport in Year 3 to famous landmarks in Year 5, from trees and flowers in Year 1 to collaged signs in Year 6. The children have created some superb pieces of artwork and these are all going to be displayed together to create a whole school mural.
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 8:16am
This half term in Music we have been doing lots of listening and describing using our Music Mats. We have been using appropriate musical vocabulary such as tempo, pitch, beat, rhythm and dynamics. This week we have been using the glockenspiels to compose and transcribe our own music in response to the song Helping Each Other. We have been writing down the notes and the names so that we can play it back again next week.
Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 8:16pm
Over the past few weeks some of the children from Reception have been attending ballet club. They have been working extremly hard to practice their ballet dance to the music 'Sugar Plum Fairy'. The children listened carefully, worked as a team and demonstrated lots of our Boundary characteristics. The made sure they pointed their toes and moved elegantly in time to the music. The children performed their dance at our Boundary Budding Stars event infront of approximately 120 parents and carers. They did a very a fantastic job. We are very proud of each and every one of them.
Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 4:37pm
For Art Day, pupils in year 5 were asked to create a collage and drawing of a famous Blackpool landmark. After discussing the landmarks, such as Blackpool Tower and Central Pier, pupils created a page of ideas in their sketchbooks. After that, pupils chose a landmark and found an image of it to reproduce for their final piece of work. The children used a range of materials to make a collage background, before drawing a pencil sketch of their landmark.
Key Stage Choir perform at Choir of the Year!
Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 7:55am
Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 4:22pm
Today we celebrated the achievements of Lola and Callum, some of our KS2 Drummers. They achieved Blackpool Music school Medals in Gold and Silver for their committment and learning in drumming. They attend weekly Peri lessons in school and we are very proud of them! Well done!
Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 2:52pm
Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 4:05pm
Year 5 have had a fantastic day learning about the 1969 Moon landing, as part of National Science Day 2023. Pupils watch actual footage of the Moon landing, watched documentary footage and read newspaper articles about the event. We had an amazing oportunity to visit the Wonder Dome, where we were taken on a guided tour of the Milky Way, and beyond, which the children loved. The children then created a space picture, using a variety of techniques including pencil sketches and a watercolour wash.
Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 12:53pm
Today in music we were listening to some songs about animals ready for our trip to the Zoo. We played the glockenspiel to the Big Bear Funk which was lots of fun and started to think about how to play the notes nicely. We sang the song Lets go to the Zoo and did the actions.
Year 5 - RSC: Sandgrown Shakespeare
Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 9:42am
We are very proud of the Year 5 children who performed in the Sandgrown Shakespeare show at The Grand Theatre on Tuesday night- Eviee's artwork even took pride of place on the front cover of the program!
Well done to all who took part - please see the Year 5 blog for more pictures!
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 11:37am
Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 9:03am
Thanks to a generous donation by a parent, each child who took part in our School's Alive performance received a medal in recognition of their hard work, determination and overall brilliant performance!
Well done to everyone who took part and thank you to our parent donor for allowing us to give each child their own medal!
#schoolsalive #BoundaryBelieves
Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 8:06am
In Reception we have been learning about special times. We have celebrated Diwali by learning lots about Hindu and Sikh traditions, including how they prepare their homes and where they go to pray. We also made and painted diya lamps, created rangoli patterns, took part in some traditional dancing and tried on some of the traditional clothing and jewellery.
In Year 1 we have been answering the key question, ‘why is Jesus special to Christians?’ We have learnt how new life is celebrated, why we should give babies love and care and why we should help others who cannot help themselves. We have also completed lots of work around the nativity story. We have sequenced and retold the story, talked about the important roles of the characters and the important message. We also went on a trip to St Marks church where we impressed Reverend Mathew with all our knowledge about Christianity so far.
Year 2 have been exploring the key question ‘why do Christians say that Jesus is the light of the world?' After discussing the Christian story and exploring different lights we began exploring Christingle. We learnt that Christingles are a symbol of advent and were taught what each part of a christingle symbolism is.
Year 3 have been looking at Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). We have looked at what a good role model is and why Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is important to Muslims. We read a range of stories surrounding the prophet and focussed on which characteristics he demonstrated and how this made him a role model. As a class we looked at the third pillar of Islam Zakat, and considered how we could be charitable in our own lives.
In Year 4, we have been learning about Hinduism and how Hindus live their lives. We learnt all about the story of Rama and Sita and how this story can help Hindus live a good life in today’s society. Through the story, we learnt that displaying positive characteristics in life will always put you on the right track.
Year 5 have been learning about where Muslims find guidance and why the Qur'an is an important part of their lives. We then looked at where we find guidance and what or who supports us.
Year 6 has been learning about Hinduism. We have explored the 4 Ashramas (stages of a Hindu's life), reincarnation and the Sacred Thread ceremony. The children have been reflecting on their own lives and have planned their own ceremony for when they leave primary school.
Date: 14th Dec 2022 @ 1:19pm
Today we were inspired by the story The Little Snowflake and created our own snowflakes. We used water colours, oil pastels and glitter to bring them to life.
Date: 2nd Dec 2022 @ 1:33pm
During Music in Year 5 we have been learning lots about the musical vocabulary and how to use it to describe the pieces of music we listen to. We have been composing on Charanga as well as on the musical score using crotchets, minims and quavers. We did a Menti quiz to see what we had learned and began to practise playing Deck the Halls for Christmas on the Glockenspiels.
Year 3 Listening and performing in Music
Date: 30th Nov 2022 @ 4:24pm
In Year 3 we have been doing lots of listening and describing with our new Musical Vocabulary mats. We have discussed the key vocabulary and thought about how we can use it to describe the pieces of music that we have listened to. We have improved our use of sentence starters because we now have examples. We have started to think about our Christmas songs and have begun to learn about the musical score, treble clef and time signature. We started to play the glockenspeil to Jingle Bells!