Science: Blog items

Ocean Wow

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 7:49pm

When Year 4 returned to school they found out that their new subject was going to be called ' Oh I do like to be by the seaside'. This topic has a focus on Geography, Science and D&T. The children created ocean themed water colour washes onto their paper. They created different tones and shade to show light passing through the water. Once they were dry the children researched different ocean creatures and created silhouettes to add to their ocean landscapes. Children also started to investigate habitats and elements of living things.

Signs of Spring

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 12:07pm

Reception have been busy exploring in the garden looking for signs of Spring. The children noticed how the garden was changing and new plants, flowers and leaves were beginning to grow.

"Look! I can see a yellow flower...I think it's called a daffodil". Jaz.

"These are growing too... these are smaller pink and purple flowers" Alexander.


It's Electrifying!

Date: 27th Feb 2020 @ 8:57am

On our first day back after half term, Year 2 had a great morning experimenting with electricity! We defied gravity by making a balloon stick to the wall and we even made salt and pepper jump from a bowl! We learnt that this was all down to static electricity. We had lots of fun making our hair stand up. We also used snap circuits to make fans and lights. We had a great morning and can't wait to learn more about electricity!

Testing Materials

Date: 13th Feb 2020 @ 7:27pm

We have been exploring the properties of different materials in science and today we tested materials to discover which were waterproof and would make a good umbrella. We ensured we conducted a fair test by treating each material the same. We found that although glass was waterproof it would not make a good umbrella because it was fragile. We learned that paper was not waterproof, nor was fabric but plastic was.


We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

Date: 7th Feb 2020 @ 8:55am

Year 2 had lovely day at Blackpool Zoo. We saw lots of interesting animals and we learnt lots of new facts! Did you know that elephants have 40,000 muscles in their trunk alone?!
During the day, we also had a lesson about habitats. We learnt how animals adapt to their surroundings to survive. We also got to touch a bearded dragon and elephant poo! We had a brilliant time and luckily the weather was perfect!

The One Where We Looked At Evolutionary Trees

Date: 6th Feb 2020 @ 12:42pm

What a fun Science lesson we had today!  We learn that before humans evolved, early common ancestors with other mammals walked on all fours, but fossils that have been found tells us that early humans (australopithecines and homo species) ‘evolved’ to walk on two legs (anatomical evidence, but also bipedal footprint fossils). We now understand that we DID NOT evolve from primates but that we simply have common ancestors. We looked at the advantages and disadvantages of home species evolving to walk on two legs (bipedalism) and how they needed to evolve and adapt in order to survive. We learnt a crazy fact too - our closest living relative is a chimpanzee with around 97% identical DNA. Who knew that? Well, we do now! We then looked at how biscuits have evolved over time and what has changed to their characteristics each time. We ordered the biscuits in complexity and described how they have changed - this helped us to understand the evolution process of many living things; such as, cockroaches, ferns, primates and many more. 

Classifying Animals

Date: 29th Jan 2020 @ 8:46pm

This week Year 2 have been learning about different types of animal classifications and explored how each one was unique. Children worked collaboratively and discussed many different animals and then made choices as to what classification they were, based on their individual features. Next we played guess who, where children had to describe the different features and the class had to guess which animal classification it was (E.g bird, fish, mammal, amphibians or reptiles). Afterwards children compared each of the classifications and discussed the similarities and differences between them. 

The One Where We Use No Pens

Date: 21st Jan 2020 @ 4:58pm

Today, we had our second 'No Pen Day' of the academic year! Along with that, we had some of our parents come in to school and see their children learning. The parents enjoyed coming to learn some maths and watch the children tackle some challenging work - loop card games involving fractions, decimals and percentages and a square number problem where children had use patience, resilience and determination to find a solution. We also spent our morning looking at different ways on how we could practise our spelling without using pen and paper. We thoroughly enjoyed the 'Taboo' game where we had to describe a particular Year 5 and 6 spelling. In the afternoon, we learnt about adaptation and mutations - how plants and animals adapt in order the survive in a certain biome. 

Fit 2 Go : Eat Well

Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 12:41pm

This week in Fit 2 Go Year 4 have been learning about the Eat Well Plate and the different food groups. They discussed the purpose of each food group and why a balanced diet is so important. Using this knowledge the children were able to plan a day of healthy meals and snack for themselves.

States of Matter -Gases

Date: 16th Jan 2020 @ 9:27am

Within Science this week children have been learning about Gases. We discussed different uses of Gases in everyday life and how they are important within our working world. The children observed what happened when we mixed vinegar and baking soda together. They were able to understand there was a chemical reaction which resulted in the creation of Carbon Dioxide. The children understood this was how the balloon was inflated. Then the children used their knowledge of Gases and how they behave to make predictions for our Mentos and Coke experiment They children were able to discuss what they learnt from the experiments.

Fit 2 Go Making Healthy Choices

Date: 16th Jan 2020 @ 9:16am

Every Friday this half term Blackpool FC will be working with Year 4 children and helping them learn about Healthy Lifestyles. In our first week of Fit 2 Go we have been learning about Healthy Choice sand what it means to lead a Healthy Lifestyle. We also enjoyed taking part in dance activities, which helped us to develop our rhythm and coordination.We are looking forward to week 2!

Icy Surprises!

Date: 13th Jan 2020 @ 8:50pm

This week the children in Holly Class had some icy surprises! The challenge was to get the objets out of the blocks of ice as quickly as possible but what would melt the ice the fastest? They used washing up liquid, sand paper, salt and warm water. We made our predictions and then set to work! We discovered that warm water melted the ice the quickest, correctly predicted by Hanasa, and sand paper and washing up liquid took the longest. The salt melted the ice almost as quickly as the warm water. Connor said, after predicting the salt would be the quickest, " I knew it was fast but warm water was quicker because it's warm".

"The ice is wet because it's melting" Kiera.

"When water is very cold it turns to ice" Lucas.

"The sun is warm and will melt ice" Mia

"The water in the tray is because the ice has melted" Rosalie.

Carnival of Animals

Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 9:13am

This half term, we are looking at Animals including Humans in Science. We will be concentrating on our insides and how important it is to eat a healthy, nutritious and balanced diet. For our WOW we used salt dough and mirrors to recreate our own teeth! This was a sticky but fun activity which helped us understand the different types of teeth and their jobs. We also looked at pictures of animal skeletons and using art straws to recreate them on black card. It was so much fun to look at all the different bones!

Winter - Science, Phonics, Writing and PE!!!

Date: 27th Nov 2019 @ 10:11am

This week we have been learning about winter in Science. It is "one of the four seasons of the year". We know it is often "very cold in winter" so you "need to wear warm clothes". 'Sometimes it snows in winter and you can build a snowman". We used bicarbonate of soda and citric acid to create a snowstorm! We revisited, recapped and embedded our seasons learning and knowledge in PE by making seasonal tress in our warm up, writing about our winter experiment in writing and finding 'snow' words in phonics which contained different snowmen sounds. 

(No) Danger, High Voltage!

Date: 22nd Nov 2019 @ 3:39pm

This morning, Year 4 made our way to Aspire Academy; it was a short but wet walk! We were travelling to take part in a science lesson in the Aspire laboratories. After watching a short video that showed Steve Backshall catching crocodiles, we were set the task of testing a range of circuits that would make a bulb glow at its brightest to help locate crocodiles in the dark.

Using a range of circuits that included 1 to 4 batteries in each, we introduced a switch and reading from a Volt meter and an Ammeter, we were to record the changes in readings as we increased the cumber of cells.

We concluded that the more cells within the circuit, the greater the readings on the Volt meter and Ammeter. The difference between 1 and 2 cells within the circuit was not particularly great but between 3 and 4 cells in a circuit the speed at which the electrons passed around the circuit and the brightness of the bulb was much different - taking more power and the bulb glowed so much that it popped! We recorded our findings in a table and discussed the results in our groups and then as a whole class.

We cannot wait to continue working with Aspire and to make our next trip to see them!

Insulators and Conductors

Date: 19th Nov 2019 @ 7:03pm

This week in Science the children had to design an investigation, which tested a range of materials. They had to identify which materials were insulators and conductors. The children were able to identify how to make this a fair test and record clear, accurate results. They work collaboratively with peers.

Switched on Learning

Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 3:09pm

As part of our work in Science, we have been looking at electricity and in this part of our learning journey we explored circuits. We began by looking looking at the word 'Circuit' and what it meant. We then explored the features of a simple circuit: a bulb, wires and a cell. Using a photographs of a range of circuits we had to predict, in groups, wether each was a complete or an incomplete circuit. Then we created each of these circuits in turn to decide if our predictions were correct or incorrect.

WOW - Tickling our Tastebuds

Date: 9th Sep 2019 @ 2:57pm

It was a little bit chilly but the rain held off as Year 3 began their hike to Blackpool Zoo, bright and early! 'It's not far...keep going!' the teachers said. Finally, the children and staff arrived at the zoo and were ready for a fun filled day of learning.  After a quick look at some animals, it was time for the educational workshop. Here, the children learnt so much new information including lots about diet and nutrition which links to Year 3's science topic this half-term. After a quick bite to eat, the adventure continued and the children visited all the different animals, finding out lots of interesting facts. As the day came to an end, the children had to find one last bit of energy for the walk home.  We returned to school with some very tired children but a great day was had by all! 

The One With the Volcanoes!

Date: 28th Oct 2019 @ 3:36pm

To link in with our unit on 'Volcanoes and Mountains', today we had to build and 'erupt' our own volcanoes. We were split up into groups where we had to use the resources (cardboard, plastic bottles, PVA glue, paint and strips of newspaper) to shape a volcano made from paper mache. Once we had built our volcanoes, we then headed outside where we used white vinegar, bicarbonate soda and red food colouring to 'erupt' them. We had a great morning during our WOW session and we can't wait to learn more about volcanoes and mountains.  

Excellent Eco!

Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 4:00pm

Every half term, children in Boundary will be learning about an area of Eco. Eco is short for ecological which means the relations of living organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings. Year three's theme this half term was Climate Change. Children watched videos, played games and created a poster to demonstrate awareness of how we need to change the way we are to help our planet.  

A visit from the owls

Date: 8th Oct 2019 @ 12:39pm

This week were lucky enough to have a fantastic visit from SMJ Falconry who brought 4 owls; Midge, Molly, Ollie and Spud.  We found out lots of interesting facts about the owls and even had the opportunity to hold on wearing a special glove.  Back in the classroom we read the story Owl Babies,  uses props and puppets to retell the story orally, made owls out of recycled materials, used play dough to  make our own owls and built nest out of natural materials.  We also drew the owls from the story and labelled them with the initial sound. What a busy week we have had!

No Pen Day!

Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 9:44am

Year 3 had a great time on No Pen Day, especially in Science! We have been learning all about magnetic forces and we used iron filings to create our own magnetic fields. We also had to work together to create our own magnetic maze, using rolled paper - a technique we have been looking at in our Design Technology lessons. It was interesting to see all the different designs. At the end of the lesson, we were able to show how the magnets don't need to be touching the magnetic object, in order to move it.

The One With Electricity At Aspire!

Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 9:38am

Today, Year 6 went to Aspire to take part in an electricity workshop to link in with work we have done in our Science topic. The children were tasked with carrying out an investigation into what would make a bulb brighter/dimmer in a circuit. They all agreed that adding more cells to a circuit would make the bulb brighter as there was more electricity being supplied to the bulb.

A Bug's Life

Date: 16th Oct 2019 @ 8:39pm

On Wednesday morning, Gemma from 'Little Zoo to You' brought some of her animals in to meet Year Two.  Some of the creatures we were lucky enough to meet were Michelle the African Land Snail, Colin the Madagascan Cockroach and Zeus the American Corn Snake.  Gemma told us all about the habitats in which these animals can be found and how they have adapted to survive and thrive in their environments in the wild.

Conductor or Insulator?

Date: 30th Sep 2019 @ 6:28pm

As part of our  science 'Materials' topic,  we have been investigating thermal conductors and insulators. We designed a fair test to investigate which material would be the best to keep a teacher's cup of coffee hot. We discussed the variables that could be changed and what we would measure. After making our predictions, we filled four containers (plastic, cardboard, glass and metal) with hot water and measured the temperature every two minutes. Analysis of the results showed that plastic would be the best material, as it kept the water hotter for longer. 

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