Reception: Blog items
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 10:51am
The children in Reception have had a fantastic time mastering the art of riding balance bikes. They have learnt the importance of wearing a helmet to keep safe, listening to instructions aswell as devloping essential skills like balance, co-ordination and confidence.
Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 1:33pm
Reception has been celebrating the Chinese New Year. We read the book The Chinese New Year Race and learned how every animal earned their place in the Chinese zodiac, made Chinese dragons, Chinese lanterns and took part in our very own Chinese dragon dance.
"The rat won the race- he climbed on the ox's back" Kayden.
"This year it is the year of the snake" Kevin.
"I like rice and sweet and sour sauce... that's Chinese food" Matilda
Date: 28th Jan 2025 @ 12:03pm
As part of our learning around 'Chinese New Year' the children have been making their own dragon puppets. They have been using lots of different skills that they have learnt since September to help them fix, join and assemble their puppet. The children worked independently and produced some fantastic work.
Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 12:07pm
Reception had a great time this week when Travelling by Tuba visited our school.
They listened to the different sounds instruments make, some made a high pitch sound and others a low pitch sound. They clapped their hands and knees to the beat, looked at historical instruments and other instruments from around the world.
Dan Worsley's Storytelling Assembly
Date: 21st Jan 2025 @ 8:03pm
Today the children in EYFS and Key Stage one participated in a special storytelling assembly led by one of our school's favourite author's Dan Worsley. During the assembly, Dan put on the superpowered storytelling waistcoat and used a variety of props to perform one of his weird and wacky ‘Impossible Tales’. The children were engrossed while Dan took them on an adventure meeting the 'Boss Pirate' and enjoyed thoroughly enjoyed participating at different of the story . All the children listened carefully and were an absolute credit to Boundary.
Reception- PE with Blackpool Football Club
Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 10:57am
This half term, the children in Reception have been enjoying a PE session with Gaz from Blackpool Football Club.
Each week they learn a different fundamental skill linked to their physical and communication and language development.
They have to listen to and follow the instructions given, take turns, negotiate space and obststacles within that space and then coordinate their bodies so they can move in different ways and throw, catch and dribble a ball.
Date: 14th Jan 2025 @ 7:12pm
This week in school, it has been road safety week and Reception have been learning how to keep safe and be responsible when crossing the road.
They had a special visitor from Zoe our crossing patrol warden or, as we like to say, our lollypop lady!
We all learnt that we have to :
1- Find a safe place to cross.
2- Stay on the curb.
3- Look both ways.
4- Listen for the traffic.
5-Then walk sensibly across the road.
"Look both ways when you cross the road" Dennis
"Be sensible when crossing the road- walk don't run" RJ
"Always hold hands with an adult" Riley- Ella
Date: 13th Jan 2025 @ 4:53pm
This week some of the children have been lucky enough to meet 'Bailey' our school therapy dog. The children have enjoyed interacting with Bailey, playing games with her and even getting her to do some tricks. We look forward to spend more time with Bailey over the next few weeks.
"She sits when I give her a treat" Harry
"I gave Bailey a high five" Oakley
"She had to wait for her treat when we counted to ten" Kayden
Date: 13th Jan 2025 @ 4:49pm
Over the next few week the children are going to be learning about the season of Winter. We will be looking for for signs of winter in our outside area and making observations about what how the weather and temperature has changed. This week the children were lucky enough to enjoy the snow and take part in lots of wintery games outside including sledging down our hell and making snowmen.
"I|t might snow in Winter" Dennis
"The trees are bare and have no leaves" Lily-Mae
"It is every cold so you wear a hat and scarf" Aurora
Reception- Christmas Party Time!
Date: 18th Dec 2024 @ 12:09pm
Today it is our Christmas party!
We all came to school wearing our party clothes and had lots of fun playing games, dancing and eating party food. We took turns passing the parcel and were respectful when playing musical statues and musical bumps. Then, at the end of the party, Father Christmas gave us a surprise visit- bringing a present for every child!
Everyone had such fun!
Merry Christmas!
Reception Nativity- Why do Christians celebrate Christmas?
Date: 16th Dec 2024 @ 12:02pm
Over the past few weeks the children in Reception have been learning about why Christians celebrate Christmas. The have been using the different figures at the storytelling table to retell the story in their own words. As part of their learning we have also be rehearsing our annual nativity; The Wriggly Nativity. The children have been working hard singing the songs, practricing their lines and perfroming on stage.
Reception- Christmas Jumpers and Christmas Dinner!
Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 11:55am
The whole school celebrated Christmas Jumper Day by wearing their Christmas jumpers to school. In Reception, we also designed our own Christmas jumpers with bobbles and glitter and sequins!
At lunchtime, we all went to the hall, wearing our party hats, to eat Christmas lunch and celebrate the festive season. We pulled Christmas crackers, ate a traditional Christmas dinner and had a Christmas sprinkle sponge cake for dessert.
Take a look at our photos!
Reception busy in Santa's Workshop
Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 11:42am
This week the children in Recpetion have been bust working in Santa's Workshop. They children have been busy writing letters, designing toys and wrapping presents ready for Chirstmas. The children have enjoyed roleplaying and making their own narratives.
Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 11:51am
Reception have been busy learning all about composition, cardinality and ordinality.
We have been matching the correct amount of objects to numbers 1-10 and understanding that numbers can be made up of different numbers.
Take a look at our photos!
Reception- Boundary Learning Together
Date: 2nd Dec 2024 @ 12:16pm
Reception were asked to collect things they found when they went on an Autumn walk at home.
Lucas's BLT project was amazing so it was displayed outside Miss Moyes room for the whole school and visitors to see.
"We went on a walk and collected leaves, twigs and grass... I made this with Mummy" Lucas.
Reception- Little Red Riding Hood
Date: 29th Nov 2024 @ 11:57am
This week Reception have been reading the story Little Red Riding Hood. They have been busy acting out the story at the story telling table and in the home corner, writng lists of food for Granny, making 'Get Well Soon' cards for Granny and collaging a paper plate wolf.
"I made a card to make Granny feel better" Lily-Mae.
"The wolf was bad and wanted to eat Little Red Red Riding Hood" Kevin.
"My wolf has got big teeth" Myla- Gray.
Date: 25th Nov 2024 @ 11:54am
We started this week by welcoming the children's parents and carers into school. The children had a wonderful time showing them all the different things we have been learning over the past few weeks.
Reception Visit Salisbury Woods
Date: 22nd Nov 2024 @ 10:54am
This week Reception have been on their first class trip to Salisbury Woods. We enjoyed taking part in a autumn walk through the wood looking for different signs of autumn. We found different colouredleaves, acorns, pinecorns and. conkers. We even maged to sport some squirrels and a robin.
"In autumn the leaves change colour" Harry
"The leaves fall off the trees" Emily
"I've found a conker and acorn" Dennie
"The squirrels are running up the threes" AuroraRec
Reception- There's no such thing as a Gruffalo
Date: 12th Nov 2024 @ 9:44pm
This week the children in Reception have been reading the story 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson. Throughout the week the children have been role playing in our Gruffalo Cafe, orally retelling the story using props, making snakes of different lengths, making Griffalo food in the mud kitchen and writing lists of the Gruffalo's favourite foods. At the creative area we have been busy painting, collageing and makes models of the Gruffalo using a range of meduims and materials. The children even made their own models of the Gruffalo out of play dough remembering all his didnt features including his purple prickles and his big orange eyes. What a busy week we have had!
Date: 11th Nov 2024 @ 10:05pm
Reception have been learning about why we wear poppies each year in November.
We learnt that the red poppy symbolises remembrance, hope for a peaceful future and commemorates the soldiers who fought and died in war.
We had fun painting poppies, collaging poppies, drawing and labelling poppies and making them out of playdough.
"We remember the soldiers who died" Hazel.
"Poppies are red" Kevin.
Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 9:37pm
This week across school we have been celebrating Anti-Bullying week. We started the week off with the a whole school assembly based around this year's theme ‘Choose Respect’. Throughout the week the children have been learning about being respectful and why this is such an important skill for life. Alongside this they have also been exploring the theme of bullying including what it means, different types of bullying, what to do if you are being bullied, the difference of a bystander and upstander, how to solve conflicts and what discrimination means. We finished of the week by inviting everyone to wear odd socks to celebrate everyone’s differences and promote kindness. What a fantastic week we have had!
Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 9:34pm
This week the children have been learning about the Sikh and Hindu elebration of Divali. The children have been learning about how people prepare for the festival and comparing this to how Christain prepare for Christmas. They have been creating their own rangoli patterns, making Diva lamps out of salt dough, writing Divali cards and exploring different artefacts at the Divali table.
Reception- Remember, remember the 5th of November
Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 8:22pm
Today the children in Reception have been participating in lots of different 'Bonfire Night' themed activities. Firstly we learnt about why many people celebrate Bonfire Night including learning about the story of the Gunpowder Plot. We talked about the different traditions we have with our families including going to a firework display, lighting sparklers and enjoying a bonfire. The children enjoyed making their own Bonfire Night pictures using a range of different meduims and materials. collaging rockets and using loose parts to make transient art pictures. Outside the children were practising their fine motor and physical skills by making firework pictures in our mark making area.
As a class we also discussed the importance of keeping ourselves safe during these exciting celebrations.
"Wear gloves when you have sparklers so you don't burn' Emily
"Only adults touch fireworks" Oakley
Stand far away from bonfires and fireworks so you don't get hurt" Lilah
"Keep your pet inside so they aren't scared" Freyja
Date: 1st Nov 2024 @ 12:05pm
This week in Reception our classroom have enjoyed lots of different Halloween themed activities. We have been reading the story 'Room on the Broom' and labelling the different characters in the story using our phonic knowledge. The children have been making spooky potions outside, collaging pumpkins and bats, ordering the pumpkin number cards, making silly soup, having a monster party in the home corner and making repeated patterns on the witches hat.
What a fun filled week we have had!
Date: 1st Nov 2024 @ 11:31am
In PE this week, Reception have been learning how to throw, catch and kick a ball.
They began with a warm up, understanding how their muscles need to be warmed up before they start any type of sport or exercise.
Next, they threw balls to each other then kicked them carefully using good control.